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Meteorite Sword: The Rarest Sword in the World

Written By: David Mickov
Published On: November 20, 2022
Edited by: Juliana Cummings

The Meteorite Sword is a sword that is made from metal that came from outside of our planet. That is why it holds a title as the most unique and rarest sword in the world.

In this article, we will explain what actually is a Meteorite sword and its characteristics. Then we will go over the process of creating one and debunking the myths of how good Meteoric iron actually is. We will finish by going over its history, explaining if you are able to own one today and how it compares to a regular steel sword.

What is a Meteorite Sword?

Meteorite Sword looks
A typical-looking Meteorite blade – [Image Credit – ASBL Lucilinburhuc]

A meteorite sword is any type of sword that has its blade made from meteoric iron. Meteoric iron is, of course, iron from a meteor that struck the earth. This can be any type of sword no matter how big or small, curved or straight, and double or single-edged.

The Meteorite sword is a very real and historical sword that has been used and still can be used today but it doesn’t possess any type of magical powers, or better yet, some tremendous strength that can outperform a normal iron or steel sword.

It is a very interesting type of sword that is basically out of this world since the material came from a meteor that hit Earth at one point in time. These swords have a long history and can be traced back even 3000 years to the early Egyptian Kingdom.

Characteristics of a Meteorite Sword

Meteorite Sword from Emperor
The real Meteorite Sword/blade that emperor Jahangir ordered to have it made after a meteor strike – [Image Credit – Smithsonian Museum]

While the Meteorite sword is often regarded to be magical and sometimes even called a space sword, that isn’t really the case.


A meteorite sword can look just the same as a regular sword although most of the time it is made with the Damascus steel-like pattern to make it look as cool as possible. Even in history, the nobility had Meteorite swords that were very highly decorated pieces.

Weight & Length

A meteorite sword also weighs more or less the same as a regular steel or iron sword would. It isn’t a light material like some people think but it also isn’t all that heavy either. 

Also, the length of the Meteorite sword can be just as long as a normal steel sword could be.


A meteorite sword come in various shapes and forms. Talented smiths work the meteorite iron using a process called rough forging. Rough forging allows them to hammer and shape the iron into any form. Therefore, you can find any type of sword made from meteorite iron like a curved samurai sword a straight arming sword.

How is a Meteorite Sword Made?

Smelting a Meteorite Sword
The rough forging process when making a Meteorite Sword – Image Credit – Discovery Australia]

The metal known as Meteoric Iron is used to construct the Meteorite Sword. The process of crafting a sword of this type is the same as any other, just with very intricate and slow crafting methods. The biggest difference with this sword is that it is forged and not done by smelting.

Forging is a process where the shaping and making of a sword metal, the meteorite in this case, is done by heating it in a fire under extremely high temperature (2300 degrees Fahrenheit or 1100 Celsius) to make it malleable and then folding it and hammering it over and over again.

Making one requires a lot of attention and a lot of experience in swordsmithing. The overall process is very risky since the material isn’t cheap or easy to come by and it might break when making a sword.

Meteoric Minerals & Pattern

Kamacite and taenite are the two minerals that make up iron meteorites. These two minerals often are found in nature together. The interconnected crystals from these 2 minerals make a unique pattern called the Widmanstatten pattern. This pattern shows that iron meteorites are made under low pressure. 

With a lot of polishing and refining, the Windmanstatten pattern can be made to have the watery wavy patterns often found in swords made from Damascus Steel.

Is Meteorite a Good Material for a Sword?

Meteorite on the inside
A Meteorite on the inside – [Image Credit – WikiMedia]

Using Meteoric Iron, simply known as Meteorite, as a material to make a Sword is good only if you are in the Bronze Age or the early Iron and Steel age. Other than that the Meteorite will fall short in both durability, power, and usage.

Meteorites typically contain a great deal of nickel content, which isn’t good for making blades. Blades need to have the right amount of toughness, strength, and ability to resist wear and tear. Nickel has a tendency to make things too soft meaning the sword will lack all of those prized qualities listed above.

It is not recommended to make a sword from Meteorite in today’s day and age, of course, if you intend to use it as a sword for hacking and slashing objects or practice. If, however, you plan to use it as a decoration and an item to enrich your sword collection with material from outside our planet, you definitely will want to try making or owning one.

Can you Own a Meteorite Sword today?

Ronin Katana Modern Sword
Modern-day creation of a Chinese Jian Meteorite Sword – [Image Credit – Ronin Katana]

Meteorite swords are definitely the rarest of all rare swords. You have a greater chance that lighting will strike you than holding a real Meteorite sword in your hand. There are only just few hundred of them in the world right now, and you rarely see them for sale.

With that being said, there is still a chance that you can own a Meteorite sword today. They come at a very hefty price though and if you are yearning to own one, make sure that you talk to the swordsmith itself to explain to you the process and materials that are being used because there are many scammers out there.

Uses for the Sword

If you do manage to get one, you might be asking yourself what can you use it for. Well if you’re thinking about using it for strikes or fencing with another sword, you’ll have to think again. The Meteorite sword isn’t all that durable and cannot withstand a lot of pressure and impacts.

Having a sword made from metal that came from outerspace itself makes for a fantastic decorative piece to own though. So we definitely recommend that it is only used as a decorative piece instead of making it razor sharp and having it broken after just a couple of swings. Also, it tends not to rust as much!

Modern Usage

The coolest modern-day sword is none other than the Meteorite sword. No matter what type of media, whether anime, movies, video games, and such, the Meteorite sword is always the one that outdoes every other type of weapon and can break anything with a single hit.

Although this isn’t really the case in real life, we cannot argue with how cool the Meteorite sword is, and definitely is a sight to behold if using it in LARP or cosplay events.

It is mostly connected with some sort of special magical powers and can be seen the most in Japanese anime but without a doubt, the most famous is the one from Avatar: The Last Airbender used by Sokka.

History of the Meteorite Sword

Tutankhamuns Meteorite Sword
Tutankhamun’s Meteorite sword/dagger – [Image Credit – WikiMedia]

The Meteorite sword can be traced back around 3000 years ago with archeological findings. It was used mostly by the nobility and it represented their power and connection to their gods – and making they themselves gods. Lots of early civilizations were theocracies and wielding a god-given weapon was important.

The Meteoric iron can be traced back around 5000 years, but the first dagger or Meteorite sword belonged to Tutankhamun, an ancient Egyptian pharaoh.

It can be said that this sword was used by many civilizations and might originate from the Hittites, a group of ancient peoples in what is now modern-day Turkey, and passed on to the Egyptians. They were treasured pieces of ceremonial gear mostly used to represent power. Even Alexander I from Russia had one made for himself in the 19th century!

People thought that swords created from meteoric iron had special powers because the iron u0022came from the Heavensu0022 but as people got better at working with iron and making steel, it became relatively easy to find iron ore instead of iron-containing meteorites and the iron found on earth was even better for making swords.

Meteorite Sword vs. Steel Sword

Using a Meteorite Sword
Using a Meteorite Sword to cut through objects – [Image Credit – AWE me]

If you take a Meteorite Katana and you place it against a regular stainless steel Katana you will see Meteoric pieces flying all over the place. The Steel sword will win and is much better to be used when it comes to fighting scenarios.

Meteoric swords are stronger and last longer than the late bronze and initial iron materials, but they can’t compete with modern steel, even the basic 1045 carbon steel is stronger. Meteoric swords don’t have any special qualities (except that some of them don’t rust), and they aren’t harder, stronger, or sharper. They are just very special, unusual, and of course, extremely cool.


In the history and world of sword making, the Meteorite sword is definitely the most interesting one. It is a piece of the cosmos made into a weapon that can defend you and those around you. Although it isn’t as powerful and mystical as shown in the media, it definitely is a sight to behold, and owning one is a must if you are a sword enthusiast!

Sources Cited
  1. Saberhagen, F. (1999, January 15). The First Swords. In The Book of Swords. Tor Books.
  2. Saberhagen, F. (2016, December 6). The First Swords. In The Book of Swords, Volumes I, II, III. Tor Books.
  3. McNab, C. (2012, January 1). Knives and Swords. In A Visual History.
  4. Burton, R. F. (1987, July 1). The Book of the Sword. In With 293 Illustrations.
  5. Laible, T. (2015, November 30). The Sword. In Myth and Reality: Technology, History, Fighting, Forging, Movie Swords.
  6. Publishing, X. (2015, April 15). Swords. In Swords, Daggers and More Historical Weapons.
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