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David Mickov
David Mickov

A dedicated historian through and through, David is a 26-year-old history graduate with numerous certificates to his name. In college, he excelled in the study of ancient, medieval, and modern history, consistently achieving top grades. This built upon his extensive research foundation in sociology and history, which originated during his high school years. While still a student, David’s prowess earned him an invitation to become a part-time history teacher, a role he carried out for a year.

His interest in history and swords was ignited by his father, a retired blacksmith who skillfully worked with various types of iron and steel to produce knife and sword blades of all sizes. Unbeknownst to him, his father’s bladesmithing craft transformed David into a passionate sword enthusiast. David began his sword journey by studying European blades, participating in the Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) community for almost two years. Now, he conducts extensive research on all types of swords from around the world.

When he’s not crafting articles for Sword Encyclopedia, David actively engages with online communities on platforms like Reddit and Quora. He is always ready to answer questions not only about swords, but also about history in general, catering to the curiosity of anyone interested in these topics.


Chief Editor at SwordEncyclopedia


SsSs. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (History);


Ancient, Medieval, Modern History, HEMA and Swordmanship