Juliana has been writing for nearly thirty years and concentrates on Tudor and Medieval history. She has written for Tudor Dynasty, Tudor Writing Circle, Historian Matt Lewis, and others. Juliana currently writes for Pen and Sword Publishers and is the author of several books, including Medicine in the Middle Ages and A History of Insanity and the Asylum. Her upcoming book, Royal Inbreeding and Other Maladies, is due to be released later this year. All her books are published on Amazon.
In addition to her writing, she is often invited as a guest on various history-related podcasts. Her latest appearance was on an episode of Gone Medieval with Matt Lewis, where they discussed medicine in the Middle Ages.
Juliana is also an editor of both fiction and non-fiction. She prides herself on editing with the understanding that the manuscript is a personal reflection of the author, and she strives to fully respect the time and effort the writer has put into their work.